I am coming up on my 4 year anniversary of being a member and I thought that I should do an Unselfish Marketer Review!
First I would like to say that I have been a member of a lot of memberships, making a lot of promises. I was a member of one membership that costs $97 per month and each month you received 1 complete web site (the same as everyone else!).
I am currently a member of a site where I get 2 complete PLR packages per month that normally costs $47 per month (I got I lifetime membership as a bonus).
I have seen membership sites come and go. I have seen promises broken. I have seen disappointed members. But none of that at the Unselfish Marketer! JayKay Bak aims to please and he does!
Unselfish Marketer Review: Is this an honest review?
I know that you have seen many reviews by people that do not even own the product that they are selling! Not here. You have to be a member of the Unselfish Marketer to be an affiliate. So if you see someone promoting it they are a member. And I would say that they are committed to staying if they are promoting it. Because once you leave, you are out. So my testimonial is that I have been a member for just about 4 years. If I didn’t love it, I would be gone. Plain and simple. And if you make 2 sales your membership is free, because you get a 51% commission. Heck, JayKay even pays the PayPal fees for you!
Unselfish Marketer Review: What’s inside?
OMG, I don’t know where to start. The first thing I will say is that there is nothing else like it anywhere on the planet! It is awesome. You could look around all day long and still not see it all. As a matter of fact in 4 years I still have not seen it all!
And now this is important. It will always be there. There are only a couple of exceptions, so for the most part you have access to the whole shebang from day one! This is my favorite part of the membership. You don’t have to download everything. Search for it with the built in “search feature” as you need it. Need a bonus for another product. Search, bang, and it’s there! Need a piece of software to do a task. Search, bang, and it’s there. See something you want and it’s not in there. JayKay will get it for you. If the rights allow it he will buy it and put it in the membership.
If you need it to run an internet business it is in “The Vault”!!!
Every other day (always on the even days, and if 2 odd days are together you get a bonus day!) you get a minimum of 2 products. And I have seen 6 – 8 in one day! They could be MRR products, software, PLR products, user rights products, or many other things.
Hosting? Yep, in there. Already have hosting? You can always use another so you will have more than one IP address.
Autoresponder to build that list? Yep, in there. As many as you need.
JV Manager or Fantasos? Yep, it’s in there. Run your business like the big dogs!
Other membership sites? Yep, even though it is hard to believe, these are worth the price of the membership. LiveIMCoaching with Eric Louviere, Push Button Marketer Kit, PLR Articles, Unselfish Marketer keywords, Camtasia Cash Secrets Tutorials, and many others.
Complete niche selling packages. Product review sites with everything you need. Boxed Niches. With everything that you need. Ready Profit Systems, with everything that you need.
Need a niche idea? Heck, just stroll down the pages and see what’s in the vault. Should be good for more ideas than you will ever need.
Newbie, and don’t know how to do something? There are hours and hours of tutorials to walk you through just about anything step by step. Can’t get much easier than that!
Graphics, templates, headers, it’s all there. I could go on and on, but I think that you get the idea. You will never want for anything and you will never see it all!
Unselfish Marketer Review: What else can I do with it?
There are hundreds of niche products inside that you can use for yourself. Let’s say your teeth need whitening. In there. Need to lose some weight, quit smoking, get your mindset changed? All in there! Just about anything that you can think of is in there!
Unselfish Marketer Review: Support.
I have sent in support tickets and every single one of them has been answered by JayKay Bak himself! He is kind and helpful. I have been really impressed by the support!
Unselfish Marketer Review: Who is it for?
Doesn’t matter if today is your first day or if you are a seasoned veteran. You will find what you need in “The Vault”!

Unselfish Marketer Review: First Month Free and Money Back Guarantee!
Well first of all just like anything else, there is absolutely no risk on your part. If within the first 30 days you think that The Unselfish Marketer membership is not for you, JayKay will refund your money. And you keep all that you downloaded! And I am so sure that you will like it that I will pay for your first month! See details at: Unselfish Marketer Discount Coupon.
Unselfish Marketer Review: The bottom line!
Think about all of the money that you have wasted on buying one product here and there. At $47 per month to have more than you will ever need, it is a nobrainer!
Two things are for sure. The price will increase and the membership will sell out. Think about what you may be passing up.
Here is what I want you to do right now. Click on the banner below. Go to the bottom of the page and look for the link that says “View The Vault”. Take a look at what is on the table. Think about the fact that if you only sign up TWO MEMBERS, you will be getting all of this and much more for free!
Well, what are you waiting for? There is nothing else that even comes close to this. Sign up today!
That is it for my Unselfish Marketer Review. I hope that I have helped you make the right decision. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.